Applied Psychology NBSc (Hons)

- Overall IELTS score of 6.0 with a minimum of 5.5 in each band.
- PTE - 65 not less than 59.
Studying psychology opens up a wealth of opportunity in a diverse and exciting range of fields that can lead to vast employment potential. The British Psychological Society state that there are currently over 750,000 people that work in a psychology-related role in the UK. Through the analysis of psychology in real-life situations, you will develop key employability skills valued by employers. These include teamwork, independent working, presentation skills, role play, reflection and an ability to articulate complex ideas effectively. In this way, graduates are prepared for a future career in psychology as well as in other areas that require the many and varied skills that this course promotes. On successful completion of your degree, you should be able to: Critically evaluate the discipline of psychology, with the ability to systematically review and synthesize psychological knowledge, recognise the diversity of psychological functioning and the global, historical and cultural context of human experience.Structure and confidently articulate ideas and information to a range of different audiences, using professional standards and enterprise skills appropriate to the socio-cultural and global contexts and purpose of the communication.Critically evaluate psychological research paradigms, a range of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, and analyse data, culminating in the successful execution of a research project complying with established ethical standards.Demonstrate a critical understanding of the applications of psychology and approach problem-solving in innovative and creative ways to explain and develop solutions to a range of real-world problems and global contexts.Show a deep understanding and high level of competency in a range of transferable skills, including analysis and interpretation of statistical and other forms of data, digital literacy skills, communicating effectively through scientific argument and the effective sourcing and utilization of ideas and evidence from a wide range of psychological and other scientific sources.Critically reflect on and be self-aware of the achievement of personal and group objectives whilst developing introspection and autonomy in the application of learning.